Laruffa Bottinelli Lawyers Associates

Law Firm in Milan

Recent Articles

Tax on advertising should be "apportioned".

Updates on criminal liability of entities.

The Board of Directors' responsibility for tax crimes.

Workplace accident inside a company's premises: who is responsible?

Unified patrimonial fee: messages for social purposes are not taxable, even if they indicate the details of the concessionaire.

What should the model 231 contain? And what should be the requirements of the supervisory body?


Located in the center of Milan in a prestigious Liberty building, Laruffa Bottinelli - Lawyers Associates was established in 2003 at the initiative of lawyer Francesco Laruffa with the goal of extending the areas of expertise of his Law Firm, active since 1990. Modern and efficient, the Firm is composed of expert and dynamic professionals who operate, each according to their specialization, in the field of administrative, civil and criminal law, both judicial and extra-judicial.

Our Areas of Law


Francesco Laruffa - Founding Partner
Alberto Bottinelli - Partner
Domenico Laruffa - Managing Partner

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

Antoine de Saint Exupéry