Cookies Policy


  • This website uses cookies, which are text files that are recorded on the user's terminal or allow access to information on the user's terminal. Cookies allow storing information about visitors' preferences, are used to verify the proper functioning of the site, improve its features by customizing the content of pages based on the type of browser used, and facilitate navigation by automating procedures (e.g., login, site language). Cookies are also used for analyzing the use of the site by visitors.

  • This site uses the following categories of cookies:
    - Technical cookies: used solely for the purpose of transmitting an electronic communication or to ensure the correct display of the site and navigation within it. Some of these cookies are deleted when the browser is closed (session cookies), while others have a longer duration (one year for the cookie that records the user's acceptance of the cookie usage policy). No consent is required for these cookies.
    - Analytical cookies: used directly by the site manager to collect information, in an aggregated form, on the number of users and how they visit the site. They are assimilated to technical cookies if the service is anonymized, as is the case with this site.
    The following categories of cookies are not present on the site:
    - Profiling and marketing cookies: no type of cookies is used to profile users for marketing purposes.

  • Disabling cookies
    Users can refuse the use of cookies and can also revoke a previously given consent. Since cookies are linked to the browser used, they can be disabled directly from the browser by refusing/retracting consent to the use of cookies, or through the banner at the bottom of the page. Note that disabling cookies may prevent the correct use of some features of the site, in particular, services provided by third parties may not be accessible and therefore may not be displayed:
    - YouTube videos or other video sharing services;
    - Social buttons of social networks;
    - Google maps.
    Instructions for disabling cookies and deleting cookies already present on the user's device can be found on the following web pages:
    Mozilla Firefox - Microsoft Internet Explorer - Microsoft Edge - Google Chrome - Opera - Apple Safari

  • Third-party cookies
    This site also acts as an intermediary for third-party cookies used to provide additional services and functionalities to visitors and to simplify the use of the site itself. This site has no control over cookies entirely managed by third parties and has no access to information collected through those cookies. Information on the use of such cookies and their purposes, as well as on how to disable them, is provided directly by third parties on the pages indicated below. Please note that user tracking generally does not involve the identification of the individual, unless the user is already registered with the service and is also logged in, in which case it is understood that the user has already given their consent directly to the third party at the time of registration for the respective service. This site uses cookies from the following third parties:
    - Google Inc.: For information on data use and processing by Google, please refer to Google's privacy policy and the ways Google uses data when using partner sites or apps.
    - Google Analytics: Used to analyze site usage by users, compile reports on site activities and user behavior, verify how often users visit the site, how the site is tracked, and which pages are visited most frequently. Information collected includes the browser identifier, date and time of interaction with the site, originating page, and IP address. Data processing takes place within the European Union as the service is anonymized. The collected data does not allow the personal identification of users and is not combined with other information related to the same person. The data is processed in an aggregated and anonymized form (truncated to the last octet). Google Inc. is prohibited from cross-referencing this data with data from other services based on a specific agreement. Further information on Google Analytics cookies can be found on the Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites page. Users can selectively disable data collection by Google Analytics by installing the appropriate Google component (opt-out) on their browser.
    - Mailchimp: A voluntary registration platform for receiving our communications, as better expressed in the GDPR Information posted on this site.


